Excel Pixels for Publishing and Distribution


We Shape the Perfect

We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service while offering our employees the best training.

Three reasons to work with
Excel Pixels Publishing and Distribution.

  • Exclusive Academic Textbooks and Online Resources: Excel Pixels specializes in distributing exclusive academic textbooks and online resources to schools. By partnering with them, educational institutions can access high-quality, tailored materials that can enhance the learning experience for students and educators.
  • Educational Services: Excel Pixels goes beyond textbook distribution by offering educational services. They can provide valuable support and guidance to schools, helping them implement effective teaching methods and educational strategies to improve student outcomes.
  • Professional Development: Excel Pixels recognizes the importance of continuous professional development for educators. They offer opportunities for schools to enhance their staff's skills and knowledge through workshops, training sessions, and other resources, ultimately contributing to the overall improvement of the educational environment.
By choosing to collaborate with Excel Pixels, schools can benefit from their commitment to providing comprehensive educational solutions and resources.


Active clients
Book sales
We're Committed To Deliver High Quality Products .
We rely on the most efficient agents
We rely on the most popular curricula

We’re trusted by more
than 300 clients.

As a distribution business of school book we recognise the value of delivering our promises thus ensuring the highest standards of service at all times.

Meet our expert team.

Our story is one of triumph, through generations of one family’s perseverance and dedication to a singular vision of service and excellence.

Best Book Publishing and
Distribution solutions.

  • Our Mission
  • Our Vision
  • Our History
To provide high-quality educational curricula that inspire and engage students while supporting educators in delivering effective and personalized instruction.
To be the leading educational publisher and distributor, empowering students and educators with innovative and comprehensive learning resources to foster lifelong learning and success.
Excel Pixels Publishing and Distribution (EPPD) was established in 2012 which operates as a national company with its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Today it is a leading company in the field of educational publishing and distribution, specializing in exclusive educational programs for K-12 students. The company offers a wide range of educational materials in both print and digital formats.
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